Dr. Michael Elkins is a graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, the Harvard of chiropractic colleges. He is a celebrated chiropractic healer who is in his 20th year of practice creating miracles in the lives of thousands of people. Because his techniques are so progressive and effective, his clientele is nationwide.
Dr. Elkins has an outstanding career and is respected as an authority on wellness principles. Chosen as one of the elite doctors of the Ultimate Achievers Club, he has been singled out among less than 1% of chiropractors worldwide with premier Palmer Chiropractic experience.
Dr. Elkins has committed himself to educate people through the principles he teaches and has had unparalleled success with his own patients while creating valuable relationships of trust, confidence, expectation, and conviction. “My patients know I am committed to a plan that gets results. Something about that makes the patient’s tension and worries disappear.”

Recent interviews have netted amazing stories that are mind-boggling! If you have been told “Surgery is your only answer”, read on. You will be amazed by the options available to you if you place your health in Dr. Elkins capable hands.
“Voted Best Chiropractor in Bowling Green 2021”
• A local International student at Western Kentucky University with Multiple Sclerosis, who was wheelchair-bound and told he would never walk, walked out of Dr. Elkins office after six months of treatment.
• A military vet with MS who drove 2 hours one way for treatment and could not walk, then one day after a few months of treatment never showed back up. The Dr. was mystified until she drove back in saying she had been riding her bike, camping, had replaced the engine in her truck, because, YES! He’d helped her to live again!
• An eight-year-old child, scheduled for exploratory surgery due to lack of a bowel movement in four weeks, with the possibility of a plastic stomach being inserted as a last resort was referred to Dr. Elkins. After two adjustments, the issue was resolved. Seven years later, the now young woman tracked Dr. Elkins down to thank him for saving her life!
• An Amish young woman with severe scoliosis was referred to Dr. Elkins, and although she had to travel 2.5 hours one way by horse and buggy, committed herself to trek three days a week, since results were so promising. She never missed an appointment, even if there was snow! Within one year, her spine was almost perfectly straight.
For more testimonials, see the testimonial page on our site.